Databases for Children
A to Z Food America
This resource contains more than 2,000 state, regional, and ethnic recipes - including food culture articles - as well as historical and reference articles including an ingredients section. This is the largest food database of its kind focused solely on diverse American cuisine.
A to Z Maps Online
Provides access to over 100,000 various types of maps for the U.S., world countries and continents. A to Z Maps Online contains a large number of specialized maps like antique maps, bathymetric and fishing maps, climate change maps, environmental maps, geography and geology maps, Holy Land maps, tree and bird distribution maps, and more. It also contains flags from world countries and international organizations.
A to Z the USA
This database contains state, county and city information for all U.S. states and territories. It lists facts and statistics about arts and culture, climate and weather, demographics, flags and seals, government and politics, history, maps, photos, and more.
A to Z World Food
This resource contains 7,000 traditional recipes from 174 countries, along with thousands of ingredient, food culture, and reference articles, making this the largest food database of its kind.
A to Z World Travel
Contains travel guides for over 200 world cities. Each guide contains helpful information about a particular city's food and restaurants, climate and weather, embassies/consulates, health and medical services, travel essentials, money and banking, electrical and telecommunication requirements, and more.
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
An educational tool intended to teach K-12 students about our nation’s Federal government, history and political structure. Provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Book Collection Nonfiction: Elementary School
Contains abstracts and searchable full text of nonfiction books about animals, weather, holidays, adventure, sports, Native Americans, United States, Canada, biographies, nature, civics and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School
Contains abstracts and the full text of nonfiction books about careers, health, life skills, ethnicity, disabilities, adventure, sports, technology, biographies, history, science, women, civics and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Britannica Escolar
Versiones en español de Britannica para las edades de 6-12.
Britannica Library Children
A kid-friendly version of Encyclopedia Britannica designed to help K-5 students with homework assignments, school projects, and research reports.
Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Provides information on the history of science through biographies on the lives and careers of great scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.
Creativebug is an on-demand arts and crafts instructional resource with over 1,000 high-quality videos taught by expert artists and makers. It includes classes and videos on drawing, painting, sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, baking, and more.
Contains state and country profiles, graphs and tables, photos, biographical articles, and unique information like recipes from around the world. There is a version of this database just for kids and a version for everyone else.
Explora for Elementary School Student Research
Elementary students can easily search for information about animals, arts and music, biographies, math, science, and more using resources like Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, the American Heritage Children's Dictionary, popular full-text elementary school magazines, eBooks, thousands of images, and videos. For educators, it also includes lesson plans, professional development materials, and a Curriculum Standards Module.
Explora for Secondary School Student Research
This general reference database for grades 6-12 provides full-text coverage of many topics via magazines, newspapers, reference books, eBooks, biographies, radio and tv news transcripts, primary source documents, maps, images, and more. For educators, it also includes lesson plans, professional development materials, and a Curriculum Standards Module.
Fiero Code
Fun and gamified coding lessons for kids.
Metro Library provides free access to Fiero Code, a self-paced learn-to-code software program for kids ages 8-18. Through fun and engaging tutorials and projects, Fiero Code teaches kids coding languages - such as HTML, Python and JavaScript - that they can use to build their own websites, video games, apps and more. Fiero Code also includes a portfolio feature for coders to display their work, and a "Share with Parents" feature for them to share their projects with family and friends.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Search tens of thousands of encyclopedic entries across a variety of subject areas. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
HelpNow is a homework help and skills building service that offers live online tutoring for elementary through high school students. HelpNow also offers a writing lab, practice tests, skills building lessons, a flashcard generator, and virtual study rooms. Tutoría en línea en español y mucho mas gratis. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Little Pim
A language-learning resource for kids and babies that uses videos and other tools to help them learn a new language in a way they can enjoy and understand.
National Geographic Kids
Designed for 6-14 year olds, this database includes digital copies of National Geographic Kids magazine from 2009-present, and books and images about animals, environment, history, peoples and cultures, places, science, and technology.
NoveList K-8 Plus
Provides suggested reads across many genres (for ages 0-Teen) based on previous reads or based on a title, author or series. It also contains a breakdown of Dewey Decimal sections, Grab and Go Book Lists for K-8 students that suggests books to read about a particular topic (e.g. bullying, World War I) and book discussion guides to use with a book group.
PressReader is the best place to read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe.
Primary Search
Designed specifically for elementary school students, Primary Search contains the full text of a variety of popular elementary school magazines, biographies, primary source documents, and reference books. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Science Online
Comprehensive, curriculum-oriented overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines. Content is organized by subject area and type of resource, as well as by Common Core, state, national, and national STEM standards. Science Online includes thousands of experiments and activities, articles, biographies, diagrams, timelines, videos and animations, a science dictionary, and more.
Science Reference Source
Designed to meet student’s science research needs, Science Reference Source contains hundreds of science magazine and journal articles, encyclopedias, and reference books. Students can also discover science projects, multimedia items on various science topics. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Databases for Teens
A to Z Food America
This resource contains more than 2,000 state, regional, and ethnic recipes - including food culture articles - as well as historical and reference articles including an ingredients section. This is the largest food database of its kind focused solely on diverse American cuisine.
A to Z Maps Online
Provides access to over 100,000 various types of maps for the U.S., world countries and continents. A to Z Maps Online contains a large number of specialized maps like antique maps, bathymetric and fishing maps, climate change maps, environmental maps, geography and geology maps, Holy Land maps, tree and bird distribution maps, and more. It also contains flags from world countries and international organizations.
A to Z the USA
This database contains state, county and city information for all U.S. states and territories. It lists facts and statistics about arts and culture, climate and weather, demographics, flags and seals, government and politics, history, maps, photos, and more.
A to Z World Food
This resource contains 7,000 traditional recipes from 174 countries, along with thousands of ingredient, food culture, and reference articles, making this the largest food database of its kind.
A to Z World Travel
Contains travel guides for over 200 world cities. Each guide contains helpful information about a particular city's food and restaurants, climate and weather, embassies/consulates, health and medical services, travel essentials, money and banking, electrical and telecommunication requirements, and more.
Access Newspaper Archive
Search tens of millions of U.S. and international newspapers whose coverage goes back more than 400 years.
African American Heritage
Search historical records for African Americans that include the Federal Census, Marriage and Cohabitation Records, Military Draft and Service Records, Registers of Slaves and Free(d) Persons of Color, Freedman's Bank, and more.
African American Newspapers (1827-1998)
Search hundreds of African American newspapers from across the United States published during the 19th and 20th centuries.
African-American History Online
Covers more than 500 years of African-American history using biographies, primary sources, images, videos, timelines, maps, and charts.
American Indian History Online
Explore more than 15,000 years of culture and history with event and topic entries, biographies, images and videos, maps and charts, legends, primary sources, and timeline entries.
Archives of Sexuality & Gender
The Archives of Sexuality and Gender is the largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
Biography Reference Bank
Provides access to biographies, images, articles, abstracts, and interviews of more than half a million people. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Biography Reference Source
Biography Reference Source is a collection of full-text biographies on notable personalities from around the world, including actors, authors, world leaders, inventors and much, much more.
Book Collection Nonfiction: High School
Contains abstracts and the full text of nonfiction books about careers, health, life skills, ethnicity, disabilities, adventure, sports, technology, biographies, history, science, women, civics and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School
Contains abstracts and the full text of nonfiction books about careers, health, life skills, ethnicity, disabilities, adventure, sports, technology, biographies, history, science, women, civics and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Britannica Escolar
Versiones en español de Britannica para las edades de 6-12.
Britannica Library Young Adults
A version of Encyclopedia Britannica that is designed to help students in grades 6-8 with homework assignments, school projects, and research reports.
College Blue Book
The College Blue Book is a guide to thousands of 2-and 4-year schools in the U.S. and Canada with detailed descriptions, including a listing of degree programs offered, scholarships, and occupational education programs.
Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Provides information on the history of science through biographies on the lives and careers of great scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.
Consumer Health Complete
Designed to support the information needs of patients, Consumer Health Complete provides access to easily understandable health and medical information. You can search and browse medical encyclopedias, reference books, fact sheets and pamphlets, magazine articles, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Contemporary Black Biography, v. 148
Containing more than 55 biographies per volume, the entries in this reference source cover well-known and respected multi-national black educators, writers, business people, athletes, military leaders and many others. Digital content starts at volume 148.
Creativebug is an on-demand arts and crafts instructional resource with over 1,000 high-quality videos taught by expert artists and makers. It includes classes and videos on drawing, painting, sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, baking, and more.
Contains state and country profiles, graphs and tables, photos, biographical articles, and unique information like recipes from around the world. There is a version of this database just for kids and a version for everyone else.
Cypress Resume
Create professional resumes, cover letters and reference lists in minutes by simply entering basic information about yourself.
Simultaneously search some or all of the databases provided by EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier, Bibliography of Native North Americans, Biography Reference Bank, Business Source Premier, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, GreenFILE, Health Source, Military & Government Collection, Newspaper Source Plus, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Explora for Secondary School Student Research
This general reference database for grades 6-12 provides full-text coverage of many topics via magazines, newspapers, reference books, eBooks, biographies, radio and tv news transcripts, primary source documents, maps, images, and more. For educators, it also includes lesson plans, professional development materials, and a Curriculum Standards Module.
Federal Student Aid
Students planning to attend college or career school can learn about and apply for grants, loans and work-study funds.
Fiero Code
Fun and gamified coding lessons for kids.
Metro Library provides free access to Fiero Code, a self-paced learn-to-code software program for kids ages 8-18. Through fun and engaging tutorials and projects, Fiero Code teaches kids coding languages - such as HTML, Python and JavaScript - that they can use to build their own websites, video games, apps and more. Fiero Code also includes a portfolio feature for coders to display their work, and a "Share with Parents" feature for them to share their projects with family and friends.
Film Scripts Online
The Film Scripts Online Series contains over 1,100 scripts and makes available, for the first time, accurate and authorized versions of copyrighted screenplays. Now film lovers and scholars can compare the writer’s vision with the producer’s and director’s interpretations from page to screen.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Search tens of thousands of encyclopedic entries across a variety of subject areas. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Global Road Warrior
Provides information for nearly 200 countries on topics such as business culture, climate, demographics, electrical (plugs and sockets), embassies/consulates, food and recipes, health and medical, language, money, telecommunications, travel essentials, and more.
Contains well-researched information covering the relationship between human beings and the environment. GreenFILE's collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes coverage on topics like climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
HelpNow is a homework help and skills building service that offers live online tutoring for elementary through high school students. HelpNow also offers a writing lab, practice tests, skills building lessons, a flashcard generator, and virtual study rooms. Tutoría en línea en español y mucho mas gratis. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Indigenous Peoples: North America
Research the political, social, and cultural history of Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Canada from the 16th century until well into the 20th century. Explore the impact of invasion and colonization on Indigenous Peoples in North America, and the intersection of Indigenous and European histories and systems of knowledge through the use of manuscripts, monographs, newspapers, photographs, motion pictures, images of artwork, and more.
Issues & Controversies in History
Provides extensive coverage of key issues in American and world history via pro/con arguments, primary source documents, timelines, background articles, and biographies.
Previously named Issues & Controversies in American History
Job & Career Accelerator
This job-hunting platform has everything job seekers need to create professional and competitive resumes and cover letters, search for jobs that fit their needs, give professional interviews and more.
JobNow features job and career resources such as chatting with a live job coaching expert, resume and cover letter templates, interview tips, expert resume review, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Latino American Experience
Drawing from thousands of primary and secondary sources, this database is dedicated to the history and culture of Latinos—the largest, fastest growing minority group in the United States.
LearningExpress Library
LearningExpress Library contains study guides and practice tests to help you prepare for career- and school-related tests (GED, ACT, SAT, ASVAB, CDL, NCLEX-RN, etc), job and career resources to help you search for a job, write a resume, and guide you through the interview process, and self-paced tutorials for computer and internet basics.
Literary Reference Source Plus
Search thousands of literary criticisms, author biographies, full text classics, stories, and poetry. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
MAS Complete - School Edition
Designed specifically for high school students, MAS Complete - School Edition contains the full text of hundreds of popular high school magazines, biographies, primary source documents, and reference books covering a wide range of subject areas including history, science, careers, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
National Geographic Virtual Library
This collection is a complete archive of National Geographic magazine - every page of every issue - along with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images, and videos and the PAWS (People, Animals, and the World) database.
New York Times (1980-current)
Enjoy current and past articles (back to 1980) from The New York Times at home or on the go. Visit Historical Newspapers to access articles from The New York Times dating back to 1851. For 24-hour remote access to, visit
Oklahoma Driving Practice Tests
Take practice tests for obtaining a driving permit, a motorcycle license or a commercial driver's license (CDL) in Oklahoma, get access the official driver's manual for each license, and search an FAQ with answers to over 100 questions about an Oklahoma driver's license.
Oklahoman (1901 - present)
Formerly known as Oklahoman Collection from NewsBank, this resource provides full-text access to The Oklahoman from 1901-present that is easy to browse, search, print, and share. The full-color daily edition is available along with web-only content and blog posts.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Presents the points of view towards current social issues and provides essays, primary sources, statistics, and topic overviews to better inform you about the issues.
Oxford Art Online
Oxford Art Online offers access to the most authoritative, inclusive, and easily searchable online art resources available today including Grove Dictionary of Art and Benezit Dictionary of Artists. Includes over 200,000 articles that span ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over 19,000 images of works of art, structures, plans, and artist signatures.
Poetry & Short Story Reference Source
Provides a historically rich collection of full-text classic and contemporary poems, as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays on poetic forms, movements, techniques and more; includes contemporary content from the finest publishers.
PressReader is the best place to read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe.
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans
Provides comprehensive information on sources of education-related financial aid sponsored and administered by private organizations and companies.
Science Online
Comprehensive, curriculum-oriented overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines. Content is organized by subject area and type of resource, as well as by Common Core, state, national, and national STEM standards. Science Online includes thousands of experiments and activities, articles, biographies, diagrams, timelines, videos and animations, a science dictionary, and more.
Science Reference Source
Designed to meet student’s science research needs, Science Reference Source contains hundreds of science magazine and journal articles, encyclopedias, and reference books. Students can also discover science projects, multimedia items on various science topics. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Testaments to the Holocaust
Provides access to the Documents and Rare Printed Materials archives of the Wiener Library in London, the first archive to collect evidence of the Holocaust and the anti-Semitic activities of the Nazi Party during World War II. It contains thousands of eyewitness accounts, photographs, propaganda materials, Wiener Library publications, and biographical details of major figures in the Nazi Party.
U.S. History in Context
U.S. History in Context provides a complete overview of our nation’s past that covers the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people. Information is provided on topics ranging from the arrival of Vikings in North America, to the stirrings of the American Revolution, through to the Civil Rights movement, 9/11, and the War on Terror.
World History in Context
World History in Context provides an overview of world history that covers the most-studied events, periods, cultures, civilizations, religions, conflicts, wars, ideologies, cultural movements, and people.
World Religions Online
This database is an objective, comprehensive guide to the world’s major religions and spiritual traditions. It contains a calendar of holidays and observances, videos, images, essays, biographies, and more about the beliefs, practices and history of each major religion.
A to Z Food America
This resource contains more than 2,000 state, regional, and ethnic recipes - including food culture articles - as well as historical and reference articles including an ingredients section. This is the largest food database of its kind focused solely on diverse American cuisine.
A to Z Maps Online
Provides access to over 100,000 various types of maps for the U.S., world countries and continents. A to Z Maps Online contains a large number of specialized maps like antique maps, bathymetric and fishing maps, climate change maps, environmental maps, geography and geology maps, Holy Land maps, tree and bird distribution maps, and more. It also contains flags from world countries and international organizations.
A to Z the USA
This database contains state, county and city information for all U.S. states and territories. It lists facts and statistics about arts and culture, climate and weather, demographics, flags and seals, government and politics, history, maps, photos, and more.
A to Z World Food
This resource contains 7,000 traditional recipes from 174 countries, along with thousands of ingredient, food culture, and reference articles, making this the largest food database of its kind.
A to Z World Travel
Contains travel guides for over 200 world cities. Each guide contains helpful information about a particular city's food and restaurants, climate and weather, embassies/consulates, health and medical services, travel essentials, money and banking, electrical and telecommunication requirements, and more.
Access Newspaper Archive
Search tens of millions of U.S. and international newspapers whose coverage goes back more than 400 years.
Access World News
Explore and stay informed on local, national, and international topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the world, including The Oklahoman and Tulsa World.
Previously known as America's News. Now includes international news sources.
Adult Learning Center
Learn foundational, career-enhancing skills by using the expert writing lab, study tools and more. The Adult Learning Center offers test preparation (including the GED and the USCIS citizenship test) and a unique academic skills center featuring live, online tutors.
African American Heritage
Search historical records for African Americans that include the Federal Census, Marriage and Cohabitation Records, Military Draft and Service Records, Registers of Slaves and Free(d) Persons of Color, Freedman's Bank, and more.
African American Newspapers (1827-1998)
Search hundreds of African American newspapers from across the United States published during the 19th and 20th centuries.
America's Historical Newspapers
This is a searchable collection of early American newspapers from 1690-1999.
American Law Yearbook
A Guide to the Year's Major Legal Cases and Developments including updates with expanded content with new topics, updates, biographies of prominent figures and government appointees, and other features. Each year's edition contains the full U.S. Supreme Court docket in addition to the non-Supreme Court cases.
Search billions of historical records covering hundreds of years of family trees, photographs, census records, birth, marriage and death records, military records, city directories, immigration and travel records, newspapers, and more.
In library use only.
Archives of Sexuality & Gender
The Archives of Sexuality and Gender is the largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
Auto Repair Source
Formerly known as AutoMate, Auto Repair Source provides step-by-step repair instructions, service bulletins, recall information, wiring diagrams, maintenance tips, and other information for foreign and domestic cars from 1974-present. All of the content in Auto Repair Source has been created by ASE certified technicians.
Biography Reference Bank
Provides access to biographies, images, articles, abstracts, and interviews of more than half a million people. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
BlueCareer by EBSCOlearning is a software platform that allows Job Seekers to easily explore the skilled trades and ultimately connects them with Employers. BlueCareer has a robust level of information, assessments, and training materials for over 100 skilled trades specialties in one easy to use platform. Whether someone has years of experience in the trades or is simply curious to learn more, BlueCareer has something for everyone.
Booklist Online
Contains over 100,000 reviews of books and digital media for librarians, book groups and book lovers.
Currently unavailable. We are troubleshooting the issue and will restore access as soon as possible.
Books in Print
Books in Print lists the bibliographic information (title, author, pages, volumes, editions, year of publication, etc.) for millions of titles that are out-of-print, in-print or forthcoming.
Britannica Online Reference Center
A version of Encyclopedia Britannica that is designed for older students and adults.
Business USA
A resource to help small businesses access the services they need to grow. Find resources to grow your business, learn about taxes and credits, learn about new health care changes, seek disaster assistance, and more.
Chicago Defender (1905-1975)
Provides full-text archives to the country’s premier African American newspaper, the Chicago Defender (1905-1975).
Chicago Tribune
Access Chicago Tribune current and past articles back to 1985.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
From the Library of Congress, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers allows you to search millions of pages of America's historic newspapers from 1789-1963.
Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Provides information on the history of science through biographies on the lives and careers of great scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.
Computer Source
Offering a comprehensive search on computing, technology, and engineering topics. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Consumer Health Complete
Designed to support the information needs of patients, Consumer Health Complete provides access to easily understandable health and medical information. You can search and browse medical encyclopedias, reference books, fact sheets and pamphlets, magazine articles, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Consumer Reports
Access the latest reviews and ratings of cars, appliances, electronics, home and garden equipment, products for babies and kids and more from Consumer Reports.
Contemporary Black Biography, v. 148
Containing more than 55 biographies per volume, the entries in this reference source cover well-known and respected multi-national black educators, writers, business people, athletes, military leaders and many others. Digital content starts at volume 148.
Creativebug is an on-demand arts and crafts instructional resource with over 1,000 high-quality videos taught by expert artists and makers. It includes classes and videos on drawing, painting, sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, baking, and more.
Contains state and country profiles, graphs and tables, photos, biographical articles, and unique information like recipes from around the world. There is a version of this database just for kids and a version for everyone else.
Cypress Resume
Create professional resumes, cover letters and reference lists in minutes by simply entering basic information about yourself.
Simultaneously search some or all of the databases provided by EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier, Bibliography of Native North Americans, Biography Reference Bank, Business Source Premier, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, GreenFILE, Health Source, Military & Government Collection, Newspaper Source Plus, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Encyclopedia of Associations
Comprehensive source of detailed information concerning nonprofit membership organizations nationally and internationally. Covers organizations in categories such as trade, business, and commercial; legal, governmental, public administration, and military; cultural; educational; veterans, hereditary, and patriotic; athletic and sports; fan clubs, and many more. Also contains the National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations.
Contains information previously found in Associations Unlimited database.
The Educational Resource Information Center provides access to literature and resources about the field of education. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Explora for Public Libraries
Explora for Public Libraries allows you to search multiple EBSCO databases for information about arts and literature, business and careers, consumer health, current events, geography and culture, and more. For educators, it also includes lesson plans, professional development materials, and a Curriculum Standards Module.
Federal Student Aid
Students planning to attend college or career school can learn about and apply for grants, loans and work-study funds.
Fiero Code
Fun and gamified coding lessons for kids.
Metro Library provides free access to Fiero Code, a self-paced learn-to-code software program for kids ages 8-18. Through fun and engaging tutorials and projects, Fiero Code teaches kids coding languages - such as HTML, Python and JavaScript - that they can use to build their own websites, video games, apps and more. Fiero Code also includes a portfolio feature for coders to display their work, and a "Share with Parents" feature for them to share their projects with family and friends.
Film Scripts Online
The Film Scripts Online Series contains over 1,100 scripts and makes available, for the first time, accurate and authorized versions of copyrighted screenplays. Now film lovers and scholars can compare the writer’s vision with the producer’s and director’s interpretations from page to screen.
Provides access to historic U.S. military records, including the stories, photos and personal documents of the men and women who served. You can also search archives for African Americans, Native Americans and the U.S. Bureau of Investigation case files, historical newspapers, historical documents, U.S. Census records, U.S. naturalization records, and city directories.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
A virtual bookshelf containing digital copies of reference titles covering a range of subjects including biographies, business, education, multicultural studies, and science.
Global Road Warrior
Provides information for nearly 200 countries on topics such as business culture, climate, demographics, electrical (plugs and sockets), embassies/consulates, food and recipes, health and medical, language, money, telecommunications, travel essentials, and more.
Government Printing Office (GPO)
Provides bibliographic information (title, author(s), year, etc.) for U.S. government documents published by the GPO since July 1976 and includes and a list of libraries that own the documents. Coverage includes all types of U.S. government documents such as Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records, judiciary materials, and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.).
Contains well-researched information covering the relationship between human beings and the environment. GreenFILE's collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes coverage on topics like climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Provides the full text of many consumer health magazines (including Better Nutrition, Harvard Health Letter, Men's Health, Muscle & Fitness, Prevention, Vegetarian Times, and others), health-related pamphlets and health reference books. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Provides over 500 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong, including full text from Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Journal of Community Health Nursing, Journal of Nursing Management, Nursing Ethics, Nursing Forum, Nursing Inquiry, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 to today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images.
Looking for America's Obituaries & Death Notices? Try this database instead!
HeritageQuest Online
Contains U.S. Federal Census images (1790-1950), map guide to the Federal Censuses (1790-1920), U.S. Indian Census Rolls (1885-1940), slave schedules for the 1850 and 1860 U.S. Federal Census, genealogy and local history books, city directories, pension and bounty land warrant applications from the Revolutionary War, Freedman's Bank Records (1865-1874), and the U.S. Serials Set (1789-present) which records the memorials, petitions and private relief actions made to the U.S. Congress.
Historical Newspapers
Provides full-text access to the archives of Chicago Defender (1909-1975), St. Louis Post Dispatch (1874-1922), The Jewish Exponent (1887-1990), Los Angeles Times (1881-1994), The New York Times (1851-2014), and The Washington Post (1877-2001).
Historical Statistics of the United States
Access data on the quantitative facts of American history. Coverage of subject areas includes social, behavioral, humanistic, and natural sciences including history, economics, government, finance, sociology, demography, education, law, natural resources, climate, religion, international migration, and trade.
HistoryGeo allows you to search antique maps and atlases and it displays original landowners of the continental United States according to state and federal records. HistoryGeo provides a single, interactive map containing over 9 million landowners across 21 states. This will be an invaluable tool for your historical and genealogical research.
Hobbies & Crafts Source
Offers detailed how-to instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines, including Bead & Button, Creative Knitting, FineScale Modeler, Quilter's World, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Home Improvement Source
Provides detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Indigenous Peoples: North America
Research the political, social, and cultural history of Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Canada from the 16th century until well into the 20th century. Explore the impact of invasion and colonization on Indigenous Peoples in North America, and the intersection of Indigenous and European histories and systems of knowledge through the use of manuscripts, monographs, newspapers, photographs, motion pictures, images of artwork, and more.
Jewish Exponent
Provides full-text access to the archives of The Jewish Exponent (1887-1990).
Job & Career Accelerator
This job-hunting platform has everything job seekers need to create professional and competitive resumes and cover letters, search for jobs that fit their needs, give professional interviews and more.
JobNow features job and career resources such as chatting with a live job coaching expert, resume and cover letter templates, interview tips, expert resume review, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Journal Record
Online access to Oklahoma’s daily business and legal news source, The Journal Record. Coverage includes daily news as well as the paper’s archives.
In library use only.
LearningExpress Library
LearningExpress Library contains study guides and practice tests to help you prepare for career- and school-related tests (GED, ACT, SAT, ASVAB, CDL, NCLEX-RN, etc), job and career resources to help you search for a job, write a resume, and guide you through the interview process, and self-paced tutorials for computer and internet basics.
Legal Collection
A collection of the most respected scholarly law journals with information on current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends of the legal world. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Legal Forms Library
Access federal and Oklahoma-specific legal forms for business, personal, official, real estate, litigation, and general needs. Oklahoma legal forms are provided by participating attorneys, form companies or were specifically adapted for Oklahoma.
Legal Information Reference Center
Designed to assist the general public on legal matters, this resource provides consumer legal reference books, as well as thousands of legal forms. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
This database indexes hundreds of journals that cover librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, and more. Coverage extends back to the mid-1960s. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn learning contains over 16,000 self-paced online courses in 7 different languages that you can use to learn more about business, CAD, design, education, hardware and software, technology, video, web design and much more. This resource will help you achieve your personal and professional goals. NOTE: To sign in, use your last name as your Library Card PIN.
Previously known as
Los Angeles Times
Access Los Angeles Times current and past articles back to 1985.
Mango Languages
Learn one of over 70 languages, including over a dozen ESL courses, using real-life situations and conversations with Mango. This program is self-paced and helps you to learn by first listening to, and then repeating, words and phrases.
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, preclinical sciences, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Mergent Atlas
Contains information covering over 50,000 US and foreign public companies, current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information and ratios, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, capital stock, and insider trading.
Military & Government Collection
This database offers current news through a collection of magazines, academic journals and other content pertinent to all branches of the military and government. Publications include Air Force Comptroller, Combat Edge, Defence Studies, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Foreign Affairs, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Mitchell ProDemand
With Mitchell ProDemand, you can search for and print wiring diagrams, schematics, diagnostic trouble codes and technical service bulletins, estimate the cost of labor and parts for a repair, learn about scheduled maintenance, read about recalls and more for foreign and domestic cars from 1960-present.
In library use only.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Provides real-time access to comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds.
MyHeritage Library Edition includes birth, death, and marriage records from 48 countries, the complete U.S. and U.K. censuses, immigration, military, and tombstone records and more than 3 billion family tree profiles.
Available at the library or remotely.
National Geographic Virtual Library
This collection is a complete archive of National Geographic magazine - every page of every issue - along with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images, and videos and the PAWS (People, Animals, and the World) database.
New York Times
To bypass the paywall, simply register for a free account at NYT News, Cooking, The Athlete and Wire Cutter now available. For full coverage of the Times from 1851-2012, visit our Historical Newspapers database. For 24-hour remote access to, visit
New York Times (1980-current)
Enjoy current and past articles (back to 1980) from The New York Times at home or on the go. Visit Historical Newspapers to access articles from The New York Times dating back to 1851. For 24-hour remote access to, visit Library Edition
Dating from the early 1700s into the 2000s, Library Edition contains full runs and portions of runs of well-known, regional and state titles to small local newspapers in the United States and other countries. This is a great resource for genealogists looking for information on their family history.
NoveList Plus
Provides suggested reads or listens across many genres (and for all ages) based on previous books read or listened to or based on title, author, series, or narrator.
Ok2Explore is a free searchable index of births and deaths that occurred in the state of Oklahoma. Included is limited information on births occurring more than 20 years ago and deaths occurring more than 5 years ago. You may search the index using any combination of the subject’s name, date of event (birth or death), county of event, and sex.
Oklahoma Driving Practice Tests
Take practice tests for obtaining a driving permit, a motorcycle license or a commercial driver's license (CDL) in Oklahoma, get access the official driver's manual for each license, and search an FAQ with answers to over 100 questions about an Oklahoma driver's license.
Oklahoma News Sources
Provides full-text access to dozens of local, statewide, and college/university newspapers and transcripts from television stations across Oklahoma. Includes full-text and image editions of The Oklahoman and Tulsa World, including today’s full-color, digital edition of The Oklahoman.
Oklahoman (1901 - present)
Formerly known as Oklahoman Collection from NewsBank, this resource provides full-text access to The Oklahoman from 1901-present that is easy to browse, search, print, and share. The full-color daily edition is available along with web-only content and blog posts.
Outlook Newsletter from MarketScope Advisor
The Outlook is the oldest continuously-published U.S. investment newsletter. The newsletter uses Standard and Poor’s STARS performance indicators to provide timely, proven guidance on market behavior.
Oxford Art Online
Oxford Art Online offers access to the most authoritative, inclusive, and easily searchable online art resources available today including Grove Dictionary of Art and Benezit Dictionary of Artists. Includes over 200,000 articles that span ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over 19,000 images of works of art, structures, plans, and artist signatures.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
The OED provides the meaning, history and pronunciation of hundreds of thousands of words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world. Discover how English words have changed over time with the historical dictionary and thesaurus and browse OED entries by subject, usage, region, and origin.
Poetry & Short Story Reference Source
Provides a historically rich collection of full-text classic and contemporary poems, as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays on poetic forms, movements, techniques and more; includes contemporary content from the finest publishers.
PressReader is the best place to read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe.
Reference Solutions
Previously known as ReferenceUSA
Contains directory information for millions of new, current and historical U.S. businesses and U.S. residents and it contains a listing of U.S. jobs and internships. Directory information on businesses includes the name of a business, its address, telephone number, headquarters, ticker symbol, credit rating, number of employees, estimated sales volume, and more. Business owners can use Reference Solutions to conduct market research and create maps and charts of similar businesses in the area.
Regional Business News
Provides full-text coverage of business publications, on a regional level, for the United States and Canadian provinces. Content includes newspapers, radio and tv news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and newswires. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Sanborn Maps
Created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property, Sanborn Maps provide information on more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Maps for Oklahoma cities go back to 1894. These maps includes details such as the outline of each building, the size, shape and construction materials, heights and function of structures, location of windows and doors, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers.
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans
Provides comprehensive information on sources of education-related financial aid sponsored and administered by private organizations and companies.
SkillSurfer Learning Library
Visit the SkillSurfer Learning Library to read lessons, watch videos, and take practice tests on a variety of subjects. Get ready to apply for college, brush up on Microsoft Office skills, learn about different careers, and study for the GED, SAT, ACT, AP, CLEP, GRE, GMAT, ASVAB, Praxis, or TOEFL.
Small Business Reference Center
A comprehensive resource for small business owners and those interested in starting a business, Small Business Reference Center offers full-text coverage of magazines, journals, trade publications, and industry reports. It also offers a start-up kit and sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, state-specific resources, videos, and reference books. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Small Business Sourcebook
This sourcebook covers over 300 specific small business profiles, as well as, covering general small business topics: business programs, federal support, and other issues.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center
Contains the full text of hundreds of reference books and the full collection of Clymer repair manuals for performing routine maintenance and extensive repairs for all terrain vehicles, chain saws, generators, marine/boat motors, motorcycles, outdoor power equipment, personal water craft, snowmobiles, tractors, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Sociological Collection
Provides a trusted source of sociology literature, making it an essential tool for sociology and social work researchers, professionals, and students. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Testaments to the Holocaust
Provides access to the Documents and Rare Printed Materials archives of the Wiener Library in London, the first archive to collect evidence of the Holocaust and the anti-Semitic activities of the Nazi Party during World War II. It contains thousands of eyewitness accounts, photographs, propaganda materials, Wiener Library publications, and biographical details of major figures in the Nazi Party.
U.S. History in Context
U.S. History in Context provides a complete overview of our nation’s past that covers the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people. Information is provided on topics ranging from the arrival of Vikings in North America, to the stirrings of the American Revolution, through to the Civil Rights movement, 9/11, and the War on Terror.
U.S. Major Dailies
US Major Dailies provides access to the five most respected US national and regional newspapers: the New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune.
This is the U.S. government's official web portal, designed to makes it easy for the public to get U.S. government information and services on the web. Find information about benefits, grants and loans, jobs, training and education, passports and travel, immigration, citizenship and international travel, mortgages, housing and family, and more
Value Line
Provides comprehensive information and expert investing advice on thousands of stocks, mutual funds, options, and other securities.
VetNow has resources carefully tailored to veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce. Visit VetNow for live help navigating veterans’ benefits, resume building, job coaching, and skills building. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Wall Street Journal
Access The Wall Street Journal current and past articles back to 1984.
For 3-day remote access to, visit
Washington Post Archive
Search articles from The Washington Post back to 1987.
To search articles older than 1987 see our Historical Newspapers database.
For 7-day remote access to, visit
This is a catalog of books and other materials held in libraries around the world. If we don't own a title that you want, you can use WorldCat to find a library that owns the title in order to place an interlibrary loan request.