Due to a maintenance issue, the Jones Library is closed today (Saturday, Jan. 4).


The Metropolitan Library System is committed to providing access to information and services to all library customers in our community. MLS endeavors to consider diverse perspectives and offer programs, services, and collections that meet the needs of each customer’s perspective. Library staff are empowered to put forth their best efforts in accommodating reasonable requests for assistance in accessing and making use of library resources, materials, and services.

Library customers who encounter any difficulty in accessing library facilities, materials, or services are encouraged to contact the library and allow us to make reasonable accommodations.

Wheelchair user

Other Resources

Center for Learning and
The Center for Learning and Leadership works in partnership with people with developmental disabilities and their families to share information, build leadership skills, and promote advocacy and positive change.
Developmental Disabilities Council
The Developmental Disabilities Council of Oklahoma provides many great services that support people with developmental disabilities to gain greater independence.
• Partners in Policymaking is training for adults with disabilities, professionals, and parents of children with disabilities to become community leaders. It is designed to give individuals the necessary skills to effectively work with legislators, state agency personnel, and other policy makers whose decisions and actions have an impact on the lives of people with disabilities.
• Youth Leadership Forum is a unique leadership training program for high school juniors and seniors with developmental disabilities to prepare them for life after high school.
• Library and Resource Center contains materials and information on special education and specific disabilities available to public at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
Developmental Disability Services of
Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) serves persons ages 3 and up who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities. Services offered to those eligible by DDS include waivered services, group home, assisted living, sheltered workshop, community integrated employment, family support assistance payment, and respite.
Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma (DSACO)
The mission of the Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma (DSACO) is to raise awareness and provide resources, as well as promote acceptance and inclusion for people with Down syndrome. We do this through a variety of family-oriented events, education workshops and community awareness campaigns. DSACO envisions communities where everyone — including those with disabilities — is accepted, included, empowered and given the opportunity and choice to create their own happiness and path to success.
Oklahoma ABLE
Oklahoma ABLE Tech's mission is to improve the lives of all Oklahomans by providing assistive technology devices and services, financing opportunities, digital accessibility services, advocacy, and education.
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation
The Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) expands opportunities for employment, independent life and economic self-sufficiency by helping Oklahomans with disabilities bridge barriers to success in the workplace, school and at home.
Oklahoma Disability Law
The Mission of the Oklahoma Disability Law Center, Inc. (ODLC) is to protect, promote and expand the rights of people with disabilities.
• Information/Referral: The ODLC can answer questions about the legal rights of persons with disabilities, and services they may be entitled to, as well as explain where to apply for disability services or how to get more information.
• Client Advocacy: People with disabilities may be denied services or discriminated against; their rights may be violated; they may be subject to abuse or neglect. The ODLC can negotiate on an individual’s behalf to resolve these problems or support their own self-advocacy efforts, and in some cases represent persons with disabilities in a hearing or in court.
• Systemic Advocacy: Some problems affect large numbers of people with disabilities, and can best be resolved through changes in funding, policies, regulations, or law. ODLC works with state agencies and the state legislature, or takes legal action, to improve and expand disability services or legal rights.
• Training: ODLC provides workshops and presentations on legal rights issues, and on how to obtain benefits or services.
• Investigation and Monitoring: As the federally-mandated Protection & Advocacy (P&A) service for Oklahoma, ODLC has access to facilities to conduct investigations, provide information and training, and monitor compliance with rights and safety. Facilities can include hospitals, community living arrangements, board and care homes, juvenile detention facilities, jails, prisons, schools, and more. The ODLC also has authority to access records, including intake, treatment and discharge records and reports. In the case of abuse, neglect or death, ODLC can access records prepared by investigatory authorities.
Oklahoma City Parks &
OKC Parks provides adaptive programming for people with disabilities. Programs include holiday parties, sports, prom and so much more!
Oklahoma Family
Oklahoma Family Network (OFN) supports families of children and youth with special health care needs through parent-to-parent emotional support, resource navigation, and partnerships between families and professionals. OFN also provides leadership development for individuals and families through training and conferences.
Oklahoma Parents
Navigating through the special education process can be overwhelming and complex. The Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC) staff is here to equip you with the tools you need to understand the system, work with service providers and schools, and advocate for your student or yourself. Our goal is to give you the knowledge, skills, support, and tools you need to be the best advocate you can be! In order to accomplish this, the OPC offers services in three key areas: 1) Individualized Assistance, 2) Trainings, and 3) Information and Resources.
Oklahoma Statewide Independent Living Council Creating Opportunities to
Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are nonprofit community-based nonresidential organizations that are run by and for people with disabilities, providing programs and services to help individuals have a more independent lifestyle. The core services that the CILs provide include: systems advocacy, individual advocacy, peer counseling, information and referral, and independent living skills training.
Respite service can provide a much-needed, temporary break from the often exhausting challenges faced by family caregivers. Respite vouchers let caregivers hire another person (respite provider) to temporarily care for their loved ones.
Social Services (DHS)
The Department of Human Services offers programs such as Food Stamps, SoonerCare, Child Care, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, Oklahoma school Breakfast and lunch program, WIC (Woman, Infant and Children), Citizenship and Benefits, replacement cards and more.
SoonerStart is Oklahoma's early intervention program designed to meet the needs of families with infants or toddlers with developmental delays.
Sooner SUCCESS is a statewide program that serves families with resource navigation to help families get connected to financial assistance, medical services, assistive technology, respite, IEP support and so much more. Through collaborative efforts, they not only support caregivers, professionals and people with disabilities of all ages but also siblings. No income guidelines or requirements are necessary.
Wellspring offers free weekend events that bring Oklahomans together – around common life experiences – in a safe and welcoming environment that inspires community support, personal growth and hope. A free weekend is available for eligible families that are adoptive parents, foster parents, grandfamilies and relative caregivers, parents caring for a child with autism, parents caring for a child with special needs and stepfamilies.