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Sanborn Maps

Created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property, Sanborn Maps provide information on more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Maps for Oklahoma cities go back to 1894. These maps includes details such as the outline of each building, the size, shape and construction materials, heights and function of structures, location of windows and doors, street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers.

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Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans

Provides comprehensive information on sources of education-related financial aid sponsored and administered by private organizations and companies.

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Science Online

Comprehensive, curriculum-oriented overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines. Content is organized by subject area and type of resource, as well as by Common Core, state, national, and national STEM standards. Science Online includes thousands of experiments and activities, articles, biographies, diagrams, timelines, videos and animations, a science dictionary, and more.

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Science Reference Source

Designed to meet student’s science research needs, Science Reference Source contains hundreds of science magazine and journal articles, encyclopedias, and reference books.  Students can also discover science projects, multimedia items on various science topics. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.

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SkillSurfer Learning Library

Visit the SkillSurfer Learning Library to read lessons, watch videos, and take practice tests on a variety of subjects. Get ready to apply for college, brush up on Microsoft Office skills, learn about different careers, and study for the GED, SAT, ACT, AP, CLEP, GRE, GMAT, ASVAB, Praxis, or TOEFL.

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Small Business Reference Center

A comprehensive resource for small business owners and those interested in starting a business, Small Business Reference Center offers full-text coverage of magazines, journals, trade publications, and industry reports. It also offers a start-up kit and sample business plans, U.S. tax forms, state-specific resources, videos, and reference books. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.

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Small Business Sourcebook

This sourcebook covers over 300 specific small business profiles, as well as, covering general small business topics: business programs, federal support, and other issues.

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Small Engine Repair Reference Center

Contains the full text of hundreds of reference books and the full collection of Clymer repair manuals for performing routine maintenance and extensive repairs for all terrain vehicles, chain saws, generators, marine/boat motors, motorcycles, outdoor power equipment, personal water craft, snowmobiles, tractors, and more. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.

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Sociological Collection

Provides a trusted source of sociology literature, making it an essential tool for sociology and social work researchers, professionals, and students. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.

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