Visit the Oklahoma State Election Board's Voter Portal to find you polling place, request an absentee ballot, view sample ballots, download a voter registration application, confirm your voter registration, update your voter registration information, view election dates and deadlines, and more.
Video provided by the Oklahoma State Election Board. If you are having difficulty viewing, please click here.
Civic Spotlight Series
Curious on what happens during the state legislative session? Our friends at Let's Fix This, help us understand what's happening when our state legislature meets and how how you can play a part. To find locate the resources mentioned in this video, visit the Let's Fix This website.
*The 2024 Voter Guide was provided by the League of Women Voters® of Oklahoma.
Register to Vote & More
- Absentee Voting in Oklahoma
Apply for absentee ballots online, download an absentee ballot request form, and learn more about absentee voting in Oklahoma. - Early Voting
- Oklahoma State Election Board
- Oklahoma State Election Board's Voter Portal
Use the OK Voter Portal to vote, request absentee ballots, change a residence address or mailing address, change your political affiliation, view a sample ballot for your precinct, find your polling place and early voting information, verify voter registration information, view voting districts, request a replacement voter ID card, and respond to an address confirmation notice. - Poll Worker Opportunities
- Voter Registration in Oklahoma
It's easy to register to vote in Oklahoma! Learn about who can register, how to register, and more. - Voting 101
Voting for the first time is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Whether you are voting in a local election, a state election, or a presidential election – here are the Oklahoma State Election Board's Top 10 Tips to ease anxiety and take the guesswork out of the experience.
Government Sites
- Glossaries of Election Terminology
- Federal Voting Assistance Program
- GovTrack-Find Your Representative and Senators and the Legislation that Affects You
- Vote 411
- Presidential Election Process
- The State of Oklahoma
- Supreme Court of the United States Blog
- Voting and Election Laws
Campaign Finance DISCLOSUREs
Fact Checking
- Annenberg Political Fact Check
- Center for Public Integrity
- FactStream
- How to Spot Fake News
- Newsguard
- Politifact
General Resources
Political Parties
The State of Oklahoma currently recognizes three political parties:
Democratic Party – National | Oklahoma | Oklahoma County
Libertarian Party – National | Oklahoma
Republican Party – National | Oklahoma | Oklahoma County
Library Podcast Episodes

Oklahoma Politics Part 1: Running for office
Ever wonder what it takes to run for public office in Oklahoma? In part one of our two-part series about politics in Oklahoma we talked to one candidate running for Congress, one running for State House of Representatives, and one from the Oklahoma State Election Board to find out what it takes to run for office, and what it's like to be a first time candidate in the Sooner state.

Oklahoma Politics Part 2: Being Mayor
In part 2 of our exploration of Oklahoma politics we talked with Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt and Village Mayor Sonny Wilkinson about what it's like being the mayor of a city in the state of Oklahoma.
Library Resources
African American Heritage
Search historical records for African Americans that include the Federal Census, Marriage and Cohabitation Records, Military Draft and Service Records, Registers of Slaves and Free(d) Persons of Color, Freedman's Bank, and more.
African American Newspapers (1827-1998)
Search hundreds of African American newspapers from across the United States published during the 19th and 20th centuries.
African-American History Online
Covers more than 500 years of African-American history using biographies, primary sources, images, videos, timelines, maps, and charts.
America's Historical Newspapers
This is a searchable collection of early American newspapers from 1690-1999.
American Indian History Online
Explore more than 15,000 years of culture and history with event and topic entries, biographies, images and videos, maps and charts, legends, primary sources, and timeline entries.
Archives of Sexuality & Gender
The Archives of Sexuality and Gender is the largest collection available in support of the study of gender and sexuality, enables scholars to make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.
American Law Yearbook
A Guide to the Year's Major Legal Cases and Developments including updates with expanded content with new topics, updates, biographies of prominent figures and government appointees, and other features. Each year's edition contains the full U.S. Supreme Court docket in addition to the non-Supreme Court cases.
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
An educational tool intended to teach K-12 students about our nation’s Federal government, history and political structure. Provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Federal Student Aid
Students planning to attend college or career school can learn about and apply for grants, loans and work-study funds.
Government Printing Office (GPO)
Provides bibliographic information (title, author(s), year, etc.) for U.S. government documents published by the GPO since July 1976 and includes and a list of libraries that own the documents. Coverage includes all types of U.S. government documents such as Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records, judiciary materials, and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.).
Legal Collection
A collection of the most respected scholarly law journals with information on current issues, studies, thoughts, and trends of the legal world. This resource is provided by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Legal Forms Library
Access federal and Oklahoma-specific legal forms for business, personal, official, real estate, litigation, and general needs. Oklahoma legal forms are provided by participating attorneys, form companies or were specifically adapted for Oklahoma.
A to Z Maps Online
Provides access to over 100,000 various types of maps for the U.S., world countries and continents. A to Z Maps Online contains a large number of specialized maps like antique maps, bathymetric and fishing maps, climate change maps, environmental maps, geography and geology maps, Holy Land maps, tree and bird distribution maps, and more. It also contains flags from world countries and international organizations.
A to Z the USA
This database contains state, county and city information for all U.S. states and territories. It lists facts and statistics about arts and culture, climate and weather, demographics, flags and seals, government and politics, history, maps, photos, and more.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
From the Library of Congress, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers allows you to search millions of pages of America's historic newspapers from 1789-1963.
Contains state and country profiles, graphs and tables, photos, biographical articles, and unique information like recipes from around the world. There is a version of this database just for kids and a version for everyone else.
HistoryGeo allows you to search antique maps and atlases and it displays original landowners of the continental United States according to state and federal records. HistoryGeo provides a single, interactive map containing over 9 million landowners across 21 states. This will be an invaluable tool for your historical and genealogical research.
Journal Record
Online access to Oklahoma’s daily business and legal news source, The Journal Record. Coverage includes daily news as well as the paper’s archives.
In library use only.
Blog Entries
Votes for Women
August is National Women’s Suffrage Month and this year marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment to the United States Constitution. While the ratification of the 19th amendment dramatically changed and expanded the electorate, it did not usher in universal voting rights for all...
Media Literacy for Voters
Every election season we all get bombarded with mailers, online posts, and TV ads for candidates or issues, both at the national and local level. Campaigns are consistently adapting their outreach; efforts might range from texting community members to hosting live townhalls. How can we evalu...
This page is compiled and maintained by librarians at the Metropolitan Library System. Links to political parties are for informational purposes only and do not in any way constitute an endorsement.