Recapturing OKC Photography Project

Ever notice how old photos of the city just have a different look and feel? Much of that is down to the cameras and film popular at the time. This new project by MetroLibrary's Special Collections department takes a fresh look at Oklahoma City through the eyes of these classic cameras.

If you (or someone you know) are a talented photographer with experience using a variety of non-digital cameras and formats please fill out this project application form.

Contact Special Collections for questions or more information.

Metropolitan Library System will choose and hire 1-3 photographers. Selected photographers will choose the camera they would like to work with. Film and processing will be provide by the Metropolitan Library System. Pay for this project is $250, and is subject to all appropriate taxes. Photographers are expected to choose 10-15 images for the Metropolitan Library System archives. Photographers retain copyright to their images, but will allow reproduction on MLS' website in perpetuity. 

The project application form is here.