All online library services will be unavailable from 5-9pm on Saturday, March 1 due to planned system maintenance.

Study Room 2 (Capitol Hill)

Maximum Capacity


Library Branch

Capitol Hill Library

Study rooms are free and may be booked 2 hours at a time up to 7 days in advance.

You may have only 1 active study room reservation per person or group (system-wide) at a time, and you must finish a reservation before booking a new one.


TV with a wired HDMI connection (you must provide the cable) and a whiteboard.


This room has a permanent setup of conference style seating for 4 people. 

On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 3/2

Mon - 3/3

Tue - 3/4

Wed - 3/5

Thu - 3/6

Fri - 3/7

Sat - 3/8