Do you love to read and discuss books, but prefer to choose your own titles to read? If so, our genre book club is for you!
This classic tale takes place on the night before Christmas, when Clara and Franz receive a Nutcracker as a gift from their uncle. This present sparks a magical dream, and a night filled with amazing stories and characters.
Join us for a storytime at your neighborhood library! Skilled librarians will introduce little ones to the library and show parents and caregivers invaluable information on reading readiness and create excitement about reading. Connect with others while enjoying stories, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and more!
*Please register each child who will be in attendance.
This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to be in attendance and be engaged with your child for this program.
Join us for a six week session of building, coding, and fun using Dash/Dot robots and Lego Mindstorms! All materials provided and no experience necessary. Ages 8-14.