Have you missed Music with Ginger? Miss Ginger will be providing our “normal” Musictime via private link! To participate and receive information about the program, you MUST register by Thursday August 5 at 8:00am!
Music Time with Miss Ginger is back!
To participate, please register before 9AM on August 5th. We will email you a prerecorded link on August 5th that will be available for one week.
This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to be in attendance and be engaged with your child for this program.
Join us for a storytime at your neighborhood library! Skilled librarians will introduce little ones to the library and show parents and caregivers invaluable information on reading readiness and create excitement about reading. Connect with others while enjoying stories, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and more!
We will meet outside as long as weather is permitting.
We will provide mats for sitting on the ground, but feel free to bring blankets if you'd like!
Celebrate lifelong learning as we read and discuss an array of nonfiction titles on varying subject matter. August's Nonfiction Book Club will not have an assigned title.
Metropolitan Library Commission Nominating Committee Meeting
Are you curious about the way the world works? Then join us for Science Camp at Del City Library!
This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to be in attendance and be engaged with your child for this program.
LitFest Author Talk: Practical Observations on the Craft of Writing with Camron Wright
Camron Wright has a masters degree in writing and public relations. His books have received numerous awards and been published in countries around the world.
This event is an online event offered through video and web conferencing software. If you register for this program, you will be emailed the link to connect digitally. Please note, you may need to install an app or computer application to attend this program. If you have any issues connecting, please reach out to askalibrarian@metrolibrary.org.