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DIY Storytime: Love My Family


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Wolfie the Bunny  
The Bunny family has adopted a wolf son, and daughter Dot is the only one who realizes Wolfie can - and might-eat them all up! Adjusting to a new family member can be difficult and this story treats it in a fun and loving way.




Skinnamarink e-dink, e-dink, 

Skinnamarink e-doo, 

I love you.  


I love you in the morning, 

And in the afternoon; 

I love you in the evening, 

And underneath the moon. 

Skinnamarink e-dink, e-dink, 

Skinnamarink e-doo, 

I love you. 


Watch Video of Song Online



On the Day You Were Born 


On the day you were born, I felt my heart get a little bit bigger 

On the day you were born I felt it swell, swell, swell 

On the day you were born I felt my heart give a little giggle 

And I knew it would be a better world. 

Note: You can change the lyrics to “On the day I met you” or “On the day I met you” if that reflects how your family was formed.  

Watch Video of Song Online




Play a family game, like book character charades! Don’t want to do charades? Try playing I-Spy on a walk or around the house.  



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