Page updated: Friday, April 3, 2020
Your library has been gathering resources to help you and your family during this difficult time. We will be updating these pages and resources throughout the COVID-19 health crisis.

General Coronavirus Information
Information related to the Coronavirus and plus information on 211.

Employment Resources
A link to the library's job seeker tools as well as information on unemployment including who to contact, which forms to process and important information to help you. We also have identified some places hiring temporary workers during this time.

Medical Assistance
Resources to help Oklahomans receive referrals, medical testing and screening.

Utility & Housing Assistance
Listing of resources to help provide utility, rental, and mortgage assistance. Also includes information on emergency shelters in the community.

Food Resources
Information on free lunches throughout the county. Resources include school districts (with specific school pickup locations) and community organizations.

Assistance for Seniors
Resources for older Oklahomans who need referrals to local assistance.

Caregiver Resources
Resources and supplies available to families with young children.

Educational & Learning Resources
Learning resources including virtual tours, books and reading lists, digital storytimes, arts, music, cooking, and health and wellness.

Resources for LGTBQ+
Community resources for LGBTQ+ folks to reference during this time of uncertainty.

Being Neighborly
Information for donating, volunteering, and connecting during the COVID-19 Crisis.

Stimulus Check Information
Learn the details behind the 2020 stimulus check, the timeline of when you could expect to see your check, and information on avoiding scams.

Employer Resources
Resources for Oklahoma County employers whose business(es) are impacted by the Coronavirus health crisis.