What if you could accomplish all your goals in the new year simply by reading more? Over 40 percent of Americans said they were likely to make a New Year’s resolution and about 20 percent who do, resolve to read more in the new year, while other popular resolutions include reaching health and learning related goals.
Whether your New Year’s resolution is to improve your health, learn a new skill or read more, the Library is hosting a program that may motivate you to do just that! The Metropolitan Library System will kick off Book Bingo, a winter reading challenge for adults, on January 1, 2020. Participants who read five books between January 1 and February 29, 2020 are entered for a drawing to win an eReader, tablet or exclusive prize pack.
Reading is proven to have health benefits including improved memory, stress reduction, better sleep, focus and concentration skills, improved analytical thinking and problem solving, increased empathy and some studies have even reported readers have an increased life expectancy. Reading is also a great way to begin learning a new skill.
To participate in Book Bingo, download a Book Bingo Card from metrolibrary.org/bookbingo or stop by your local library to receive a Book Bingo card and track your reading progress (you can even take advantage of the free space). Bingo not your thing? Readers can also track their reading progress digitally by signing up on the library’s website and registering for “Winter Reading Challenge 2020”. Online participants will earn digital badges for reaching their goals. Completed bingo cards must be turned in at a Metro Library or mailed to Metropolitan Library System c/o Book Bingo, 300 Park Ave. Oklahoma City OK 73102 by 6pm Friday, March 6, 2020. Participants may also take a photo of the front and back of their completed card and email it to bookbingo@metrolibrary.org.
“We want to motivate Oklahoma County to pursue their reading goals. whether you’re five years old or 75 years old, reading is a great way to decompress and relax,” Adult Services Manager for the Metropolitan Library System, Kellie Delaney said. “You don’t have to sit alone for hours to reach your reading goals. Maybe you set a goal to read during your lunch break or read for 20 minutes before bed – reading a little each day goes a long way.”
To learn more about Book Bingo or to register online visit: www.metrolibrary.org/bookbingo
About the Metropolitan Library System The Metropolitan Library System is a public library system serving Oklahoma County residents. MLS includes 19 library branch locations. The Metropolitan Library System is the largest library system in Oklahoma, serving anyone who lives, attends school, or owns property in Oklahoma County. MLS circulates over 6 million materials each year.