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Blog Entries

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Make Mine Gothic

It’s October, and that means I want the weather to be chilly, the foliage to be flaming, and for lots of spooky ghosty things to happen. But it’s also Oklahoma, which means the temperature is still 80 degrees, most of the grass and leaves are still green, and the scariest thing is the politics.

Little known fact: I was a huge scaredy-cat as a kid. I think my love of horror stemmed directly from my constant state of terror as a child. At some point, I figured out that if I deliberately exposed myself to scary things, then the emotion was within my control. But I’ve never been big o...

Oh, the Horror! Reads that will Give You Shivers

Looking for some Halloween reads to send shivers down your spine? Check out some of these horror titles this month.


Classic Horror Reads

Carrie by Stephen King

Carrie is a classic fast-paced horror read sure to get your skin crawling. Carrie is a troubled teen whose powers of telekinesis wreak havoc on a small town in Maine.

The Shining by Stephen King

The Shining has been called “back-prickling” and “haunting” – a King horror read that you will not soon forget. English teacher and writer, ...

Walking Dead Day Reads

Ghouls, revenants, the infected, the undead, the walking dead, shamblers, reanimated corpse…all are ways to say ZOMBIE!!  On October 13th it’s Walking Dead Day!  A day in which we celebrate not only the TV show, but the comic/graphic novel, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary!  So in honor of The Walking Dead, here’s a list of library items that will help keep your Zombie spirit alive…well, sort of.

The Walking Dead: Compendium One by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore

This book is one of the reasons why there is a Walking Dead day. The Wa...

Anxiously Awaited Sequels

In this age of streaming video, everybody’s binging. Binge watching is the practice of watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession. I’m currently re-watching all seven seasons of Star Trek: Voyager. Because I can. And I often like to binge read, as well. Why wait years for the next book in the series, when you can just read them all at once?

But sometimes, it’s exciting to get in on the ground floor of something. Be it TV or book series, it can be fun to experience it right there along with everyone else. Who shot J.R.? Who killed Laura Palmer? Is [...

21 Fantasy Reads to Share With Your Children

When I had kids, one of the things I looked forward to was being able to share the things I love with them. As an 80’s/90’s kid I got excited when they rebooted My Little Pony and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I loved when my kids were old enough to start watching the Harry Potter movies, when they got obsessed with slime (Gak if you kick it old school), and I am still working on turning them into comic book nerds. But what I want to impart to them the most is my love of reading. As a kid reading was my escape and it has always been a major part of my life (both of ...