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This Guitar - Matt Ple$$

Singer-songwriter Matt Ple$$ joined us in our compact shelving area in 2018 for a Compact Sessions impromptu concert.

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Oklahoma Voices: Julie Pink

Julie Pink talks about her experiences in the LGBT community in Oklahoma.

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Cinema Mayflower / Planet Earth

The Brief History of Club Planet Earth.

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Over the Curb on the Way to Capitol Hill

Over the Curb on the Way to Capitol Hill

View of two automobiles in floodwaters near houses.

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Oral History: John Bailey

John Bailey talks about growing up in Oklahoma, his life as a police officer, and his career as a writer.

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Oral History: George Richardson

George Richardson talks about his life and his career as an educator.

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Oral History: Mick Cornett

Mick Cornett talks about growing up in Oklahoma City, his career in broadcasting, and his time as Oklahoma City's mayor.

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Oral History: John Rolfe Jr.

John Rolfe Jr. talks about living in northeast Oklahoma City and about his family funeral home business.

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Oral History Emily Ramsey

Emily Ramsey talks about roller derby in Oklahoma City.

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Oklahoma Authors: William Bernhardt

William Bernhardt talks about books, writing, and winning at Jeopardy.

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