
Material Type

Oral History: Equity Brewing

Suzette Grillot and her daughter Hannah talk about starting and operating Equity Brewing, the first all women run brewery in the state of Oklahoma.

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Oral History: Russell Perry

Russell Perry talks about growing up in northeast Oklahoma City, and running his publishing and broadcasting business.

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Oral History: Steve Branard and Johnny Horton

Steve Branard and Johnny Horton talk about folk music.

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This Guitar - Matt Ple$$

Singer-songwriter Matt Ple$$ joined us in our compact shelving area in 2018 for a Compact Sessions impromptu concert.

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Social Unrest @ NAC

Social Unrest @ NAC

Show Flyer for Social Unrest @ NAC

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Oral History: Laverne Brooks

Laverne Brooks talks about her life growing up in northeast Oklahoma City, attending Douglass High School, and more.

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