All libraries will close at 6pm on Tuesday, December 31st and will reopen on Thursday, Jan. 2.

Suspension Bridge, Platt National Park, Oklahoma

Suspension Bridge, Platt National Park, Oklahoma
Suspension Bridge, Platt National Park, Oklahoma



Jones, Okla., R.F.D. #2.
Dear friend: I sure like that
last postal. I'd like to be in those
Mts. with my kodak. I have no 
good photos now - only a kodak
snap shot, or two. If you will
send me one of yours, I'll have
some taken especially and
send you one. I finished 
some postals in brown or Sepia
the other day- the first time
I have tried it. How do you
like them?
Sincerely J. William Harmon


Miss Irene C. Radley
Cape Vincent,
R.F.D. #2

The materials in this collection are for study and research purposes only. To use these digital files in any form, please use the credit "Courtesy of Metropolitan Library System of Oklahoma County" to accompany the image.