Due to disruption in utilities, the Northwest library is closing early (Tuesday, 3/11/25). We will reopen tomorrow at 9am.

Swank Motel

Swank Motel
Swank Motel


Postcard image dates to the 1950s but it wasn't mailed until 1973 or later based on the postage stamp. 


Dear Rocky:

Thanks a million for the letter. So sorry we missed you. Just had a few hours. Pat's mother is in pretty bad health and Pat doesn't feel that she can be gone very long at a time. Young lady, that's a pretty heavy schedule you're carrying-- more for 28 than 68. Where do you get the energy? Hope we can get back before cold weather. If so, will call

Love Geo & Pat


Rocky Farrell

305 Couch

Kirkwood Mo. 63122

The materials in this collection are for study and research purposes only. To use these digital files in any form, please use the credit "Courtesy of Metropolitan Library System of Oklahoma County" to accompany the image.