
Material Type

Oral History Gwendolyn Irons McNeely and Reginald Irons

Gwendolyn Irons McNeely and Reginald Irons talk about life in Northeast Oklahoma City.

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Oklahoma Voices: Pat Reaves

Pat Reaves talks about her experiences in the LGBT community in Oklahoma.

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Oral History: Glen Edward Burleigh

Musician Glen Edward Burleigh talks about growing up and going to school in Oklahoma and about his life as a composer.

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Oral History: Joe Poe

Joe Poe talks about his career as an Oklahoma City police officer.

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Oral History Rosetta Funches

Rosetta Funches talks about her life, growing up during the time of segregation, and her museum, The Oklahoma Black Museum and Performing Arts Center.

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Oklahoma Authors: William Bernhardt

William Bernhardt talks about books, writing, and winning at Jeopardy.

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